Woher das Wort Luise kommt  
Where the Word Luise comes from


Evelyn Rüsseler aka Bear Boy

DE 2019
91 min | German

Idea+DOP+E: Bear Boy | With Luise Frese

Saturday | 12 oct 4.30 pm | werkstattkino 

Luise Frese, 87 years old, tells about her life, her little days, her suffering in the family, her preparation for death. As a teenager during the Nazi era, she made tool handles in a workshop for disabled in the Kassel mountains. She survived all the members of her family.

Evelyn Rüsseler aka Bear Boy  
makes experimental films and videos about friends, animal transformations and dead poets, writes novels and performs the imaginary animal figures. Since 2003 she has lived in Berlin, Munich, Lanzarote and on the Baltic Sea coast. Various short films. She has been a UNDERDOX film artist since the very beginning. WOHER DAS WORT LUISE KOMMT is her first feature film.

Notre Dame des Friches (for Piero Heliczer) 2017 (12. UX) | L´après-midi d´Augustine 2018 | Breath Death (disarmed) (13. UX) | Yoga für Frauen und Bären 2018 (13. UX) | Woher das Wort Luise kommt 2019