Lia – hardVideo/G.S.I.L. XIX

Sound: fdc | A 2003 | 5 Min.

Rhythmic order, graphic disintegration, and in the end sound/image coagulation.

Nik Thoenen, Timo Novotny – neon

Sound: Wolfgang Schloegl | A 2003 | 5 Min.

A polyrhythmic light show of fluorescent tubes mounted in horizontal row.

Michaela Grill, Martin Siewert – trans

Sound: Martin Siewert | A 2003 | 9 Min.

It is a work of shadows and silhouettes, a rediscovery of electronic cinema as abstract painting.

Thomas Aigelsreiter – Key West

Sound: Rudi Aigelsreiter | A 2002 | 5 Min.

Images of boat-like cars sailing down the highway, of bikini-clad girls on the beach, of surfers riding the waves. Why is it that these images still arouse such a great deal of fascination?

Didi Bruckmayr, Michael Strohmann – ich bin traurig/I am sad

Sound: Fuckhead |A 2004 | 5 Min.

Brachial heavy metal music meets with distant, cool, electronic creation of sound and the melodramatic employment of voices of the opera.

KarÆ Goldt – falcon

Sound: Rashim | A/D 2003 | 5 Min.

To the vibrating soundtrack images are affected by color modulations, resulting in various degrees of intensity.

Billy Roisz – blinq

Sound: Burkhard Stangl, Akoasma, Boris Hauf, Sachiko M., Martin Siewert, Christof Kurzmann, Toshimaru Nakamura, Dieb 13, Werner Dafeldecker, el | A 2002 | 7 Min.

Short electronic sound files produced by ten musicians from Austria, Germany and Japan transformed into visual patterns by means of feedback loops which function as electro-acoustic impulses.

m.ash – cubica

Sound: Chris Janka | A 2002 | 4 Min.

A rare type of completely abstract three dimensional computer animation of the popular game Snake filmed on video in realtime during a live session.

[n:ja] - frame

Sound: Radian | A 2002 | 5:30 Min.

Nothing more than pure motion along spatial coordinates which is driven by a pulsing soundtrack.

Siegfried A. Fruhauf – SUN

Sound: Attwenger | A 2003 | 5:30 Min.

SUN – which is not necessarily typical for the genre – consists of nothing more than a dozen static shots with little or no movement. The main subject of both video and the song’s lyrics are identical.

ReMI – zijkfijergijok

Sound: ReMI | A/NL 2003 | 3 Min.

Electronic exorcism? Computerized global burning? Digital dance of death?

Michaela Schwentner – JET

Sound: Radian | A 2003 | 6 Min.

A precisely composed interplay of colour and form which structures the viewer’s perception of it significantly and results in an exhilarating dynamism.



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